I searched around and couldn't find anything relevant to my question, so if I missed something that's been I apologize, point me in the right direction and I'll check it out.
Anyway, I've got most of the issues sorted out and I'm noticing now that when my Wii is connected it's signal strength hasn't gotten above 42%. I would like to get a better signal but I'm not sure what I should do to get it.
Right now wireless is setup to use WPA or WPA 2, TKIP or AES, and auto channel scan, auto 20/40. it usually uses channel 6, and set to invisible.
There are a couple of other wireless networks in my building (about 5 that can be seen) and where my router is located is fairly open. the Wii is 2 bedrooms away, meaning it has 2 "cement like" plaster walls in the way. the walls were built in 1960 so whatever they used back then to make walls is what this is made from.
ATM there is also a Christmas tree in the way
Anything I can do to get a stronger signal to the Wii? I believe it only connects in G mode, I don't think they are N capable.