Here is my current situation. I have FiOS so I have the dreaded Actiontec router handling the incoming connection. I have setup the DIR-615 router bridged, disabled DHCP, gave it the static IP and messed around with the settings so it looks like the following:
-Auto-Channel Scan
-WPA Only + TKIP only + Disabled Wi-Fi protected setup(otherwise D-Link DGL-3420 fails to connect, unless someone knows a workaround, everything else had no issues the original security settings)
My problem is the devices behind the DIR-615. They seem to not be able to talk to one another and they don't respond to pings at all (includes: Wii, DGL-3420, Motorola Droid, Macbook Pro (10.6.2).
Now I feel I've done some extensive checking because I can ping through the DIR-615 to any wired devices (HP 2610 printer and desktop PC-custom built) and I can ping the Actiontec router. Now the Actiontec router can ping any device on the network so the connection appears to be fine from that direction. I've also tried putting the DIR-615's IP as a DMZ in the Actiontec setting, and I tried disabling all settings in the DIR-615 Advanced Firewall settings.
Lastly, the version of my DIR-615 is C1, 3.11NA.
I've just about run out of ideas and I think I've been at it too long to think of new ideas. So if anyone has any suggestions on what settings to change I am willing to try just about anything at this point.