I appreciate the thoughts of all who have responded to my posts on this topic.
To answer some questions that have been posed:
First, I agree that the improper shutdown is the bigger problem than the raid re-sync. I found that one of the batteries in one of my UPS's had gone bad. Still, since this device is aimed at the consumer market, it is safe to say that most people in that category do not have their DNS-323 attached to a UPS. So, it seems safe to assume that the degraded RAID recovery mechanisms should be robust enough to survive a power failure.
I have experienced quite a few raid failures caused by power issues over the past few years myself with 3Ware, Intel, High Point, Adaptec, and other controllers. In most instances, I have been able to successfully recover RAID 1 arrays. When I haven't been able to successfully recover, it has been either because of a power surge that fried hardware or because the underlying file system was not journalized. I know that the last 2 or 3 DNS-323 firmware's have ditched journaling in favor of more speed and disk space (which I think is a mistake -- personally, I'd like the choice of ext2, ext3, or reiser).
I have tried reformatting the drives after installing the 1.04 firmware, but this seems to make no difference with my loss of sync problems.
I have 2 identical DNS-323's and they both lose sync with an unexpected power failure. One thing that may very well be a factor in this is that I consistently use the enterprise grade hard drives (usually Western Digital RE's or RE2's) which have less built-in recovery firmware and are supposed to work better with RAID controllers. Perhaps the DNS-323's are tuned to respond better to "average" hard drives. Perhaps I'll drop a couple drive of these next week and give them a try to see what happens.