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Author Topic: Am I using the correct equipment??  (Read 3608 times)


  • Level 1 Member
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Am I using the correct equipment??
« on: February 17, 2010, 09:30:24 AM »

I am trying to upgrade from Linksys G protocol equipment to D-Link N protocol equipment in a stadium for an ethernet based track timing system.  We have found that we need a little more speed/bandwidth than the older equipment allowed.  I have a router (DIR-655) located at the finishline attached to the actual camera via ethernet cable, a laptop via ethernet and a networked printer.  I have a signup area in the middle of the field with 3 laptops also connected via ethernet cables to a DAP-1522.  There is also another DAP-1522 located on the pressbox for 2 read-out computers and another networked printer.  I am trying to share a single network SSID with fixed IP addresses on all of the equipment.  The main database is maintained in the pressbox on a single laptop and ALL of the other laptops have to access this machine to use and update the common database.

I purchased the D-Link equipment and it arrived yesterday.  The install of the router was flawless and everything hardwired networks with it flawlessly.

I next moved on the one of the AP/bridge units.  I spent the next 3 hours trying to get it (the network) to work.  I was unsuccessful.  I have the 1522 set to bridge mode with a fixed IP and this may be the problem.  When I plugged in one of the other laptops, I could not connect to either the internet nor other computers on the wired router.

Am I using the equipment correctly? Am I using the correct equipment? Should I be using it as an AP instead of a bridge? All of the laptops are equiped with G cards but I do not trust the range/signal strength for large data transfers; that is why we are hardwiring the laptops to the 1522's.

The network worked well with the older Linksys equipment placed this fashion, but I am uncertain what settings that I used for their setup and will look into that tonight. I originally used a WAP54G as the base router with 2 WAP54G access points wand 2 EZXS55W 5 port switches (1 AP with 1 switch strapped to it at each remote location). We have to use a wireless network to get the data up to the pressbox as there is no possibility of running an ethernet cable from the finishline to the pressbox. The smaller footprint of the D-Link equipment and fewer cords to maintain are also 2 reasons for the upgrade.

If the speed can be maintained, having everything connect wirelessly with the router at the finishline would make an ideal setup--fewer cables.  The problem is that each laptop is only G protocol. Otherwise, it would be nice to just get the basic network to link. A basic block diagram of the setup is below.

DIR655----wired to laptop
               wired to high speed camera
               wired to network printer
               wireless to rest of network

Pressbox DAP1522----wired to main database laptop
                              wired to readout/manual entry laptop
                              wired to second networked printer
                              wireless to DIR655

Registration DAP1522----wired to all 3 registration laptops
                                  Wireless to DIR655

Is this setup possible with the current equipment and what settings should I be using to make everything play well together????  Thanks for all of the help I can get!


  • Level 2 Member
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Re: Am I using the correct equipment??
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2010, 10:22:37 AM »

sounds right , what ip did you asign the 1522's  to the dap 1522's ? are they in the same subnet as the 655 ? each 1522 should have a different ip .
  I have a setup like that and it works , one dap has media player , comp , and xbox , the other  ps3 , bluray and a desktop plugged in . What band are you using 2.4 or 5 ghz . And are you using wpa2 -aes ?
  What firmware you using on the DAP ?
  And use ie to set things up