Lets try this disable GameFuel and see if xbox number 1 has any better gaming. They both should have great gaming and should not see any lag either way unless it's coming from the XBL servers or the ISP happens to be having technical difficulties. There is not way to configure the router for who is host. The router already does the work of telling what data packets to go where across the WAN and LAN, thats it's function. You can tell what hosts to use on xbox by just by either having someone else host the games or have the other xbox host the games online. The router can prioritize the data and message flow between each xbox connected to the internet so that one has higher priority than the other. I might try putting the 2nd xbox at a higher priority, say 10 or 255 and see what happens there. I checked with my buddy and his xboxes are set up 1,2, and 3. Let me know, I will be online later today if you want to connect up.