Customer setup:
Internet connection to DI-524.
Two wired computers and 3 wireless laptops connecting to the 524.
Customer purchased a multifunction copier *without* a built-in wireless interface.
Customer wants wireless connection to the copier.
Copier vendor says the only way is to connect a wireless AP to the copier's ethernet connection.
Set up the DAP-1522 using a direct connection to a PC. DAP-1522 set to Bridge.
Status on the DAP-1522 shows it connected to the wireless network with the correct SSID, channel, and security level.
Disconnect the DAP-1522 from the direct connection, and attach the DAP-1522 to the copier.
D-Link tech support told me the copier IP had to be set between and, and that printers had to be configured within that IP range for the DAP-1522 to work correctly. I set the copier IP to
Cannot make a connection to the copier.
Pings to the copier IP and the DAP-1522 IP time out.
1)Is the DAP-1522 the correct equipment to connect these devices?
2)If not, what would be the correct hardware?
3)Have I missed something in configuring the DAP-1522?
Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.