First - you can move from a RAID1 configuration to standard volumes without destroying the data.
Start by verifying the status to be sure the RAID array is not degraded, and then power down the DNS-323 and remove one of the drives. Power the unit back up, log into the admin page, select TOOLS/RAID and then set the RAID type to standard volumes and format the drive, when this has completed, power the system down and reinsert the drive that you removed earlier.
Power the system back up and check the status it should you both drives, and you should still be able to access the data.
Now - having answered your question - let me raise a couple of points with you.
My DNS-323 is used like yours is - it's in a RAID1 configuration, and used for backup, a task previously handled by a DDS5 tape drive. I don't know if you've ever used tape (or any other removable media drive), but if you haven't, trust me disk-to-disk (D2D) backup beats it hands down, it's way faster and there's no waiting around to change media - but it's not without it's challenges.
When using tape as a backup medium, most people use some sort of rotation scheme - grandfather, father, son is probably the simplest & best known - this allows you to keep a copy off site, and you have multiple copies in case one becomes damaged or corrupt.
More important, if the tape drive failed, you have the ability to replace the drive and simply insert the tape to gain access - D2D backup does not allow this.
You can create multiple D2D tragets and run rotation schemes like grandfather, father, son to the individual targets, but if your single backup drive fails, it's taking your data with it.
The choice is yours - what's the probability of having two drives fail simultaneously? Do you really need more than one backup - some people think they do - me included.