I just picked up a 321 and I'm very pleased with it so far... except for the itunes server, which is very basic. I installed fw 1.03/fun plug and can telnet in. My question is has anyone successfully got firefly to run on the 321?
I've read all of the wiki info (http://wiki.dns323.info/howto:firefly) on the 323 installs and thing that's throwing me off is this command line it wants you to run:
cd /mnt/HD_a2
lnx_bin/busybox3 tar xvz -f dns_323_firefly_svn_mt-daapd-svn-1498_pa2.tar.gz
export PATH=/mnt/HD_a2/lnx_bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/HD_a2/lnx_bin/lib
/mnt/HD_a2/lnx_bin/mt-daapd -f -c /mnt/HD_a2/lnx_bin/mt-daapd.conf
lnx_bin/busybox3 and the path to mt-daapd.conf do not appear to be valid.
I'm also wondering why dlink offers it as an "add-in" download for the 323, but not the 321.
Any help would be appreciated.