Hi, guys(?)
Just reading over your posts RE: NetBIOS and thought I might toss in some "what-if's"...
I typically modify/create...
... files on all of my machines. This is something I discovered MANY years
back while munky-ing about in XP PRO/SERVER. Now I know it should
not be necessary to do this but in the past I've found out that it actually
helps if/when I have a router/DNS/NetBIOs/etc mishap and need to
replace/rebuild one. If you're a UNIX/LINUX vet, you'll immediately know
how/whut/why. If not, it basically is a text-file that your system can use
for DHCP and HW/MAC-to-IPV4 'client-based' mapping. It doesn't really -do-
lots, but if something 'serverish' breaks, your machines will individually 'know'
( because you typed them in!! ) 'where' everything else is ( or- at least should be!! )
The D-Link 615 has an 'ok' method of implementing thm.
Sometimes it gives me fits about un-doing a IP-Lease/Reservation
which is a pain if your add/replace-ing a NIC or WiFi-Card to the net.
Food for thought maybe?
Thanks for the thread-- I actually hadn't thought about the virus software
impeding NetBIOs connections!!! =oP