Yes, and I appreciate what Lyokobot is asking. The responders seem to be implying that the device is inflexible and will not work cooperatively with preformatted disks. That's unfortunate, as I can imagine using it for utility purposes with any number of configurations. Like, say LVM containing Reiser, ext4 or XFS?
In a typical Linux installation, the system will detect partitions, MD volumes, PVs, VGs and LVs (and their content) automatically, and I thought this device is based on a Linux 2.6.N kernel. So one might reasonably think that this device could behave similarly by presenting the detected extents logically through its administrative interface. Certainly from the shell, an invocation of partprobe would get you halfway there.
But based on the expert replies, I'm inferring that it's dumber than that, and enforces a single simplistic configuration for every disk plugged into it. So, just to be sure, is my inference correct?