Well good luck with your troubles, and let me know if I can be of anymore help. Actually, come to think of it, here are some ways to get around these methods, along with possible counter-measures.
1. Mirror Sites: Blocking certian IP's only block that one site. One common work around to IP block is to just enter in the area code across the country from you or set your browser settings to another contry. Some sites even have Mirror sites that will change depending on traffic.
Counter Measure: Blocking domains block a wider range of sources. Blocking dlink.com will also block dlink.support.com or many of the other dlink servers. While this isn't anywhere near infaluable, it adds another layer.
2. The Babblefish: If blocking certian websites, your just blocking their IP, not the traffic itself. So if someone's reroutes the traffic through a website, also known as performing a proxy, it side steps that stradigy. One was of doing this was to ask Babblefish, a popular translator site by Yahoo. This became a popular trick to get around a school's monitoring program.
Counter-Measure: Don't just block site IP's and domains, block the traffic itself. Either the type(TCP) or the language like HTML (Port 80). Keep kind in mind, you can always go sever with your blocking and then add exceptions. Block all of port 80 except to a few IP's you want them to go to. This gets complicated though since many sites are constructs of media from different location. However your mouse over a site's pictures sometimes and you will know what I mean. Nevermind advertisment media, HTTPS(reroutes traffic to verify) or ad ones.
3. Tor: What Babblefish does for websites, Tor does for applications. Not only does it secure the data, it can reroute the traffic through other (even random) ports and then shot them out the Tor server correctly. This makes it very hard to counter-measure. If they find Tor, its time to think about monitoring and confronter then counter measures. Just keep a eye open for low priority traffic in the lags. Also, if you start seeing odd IP+Port combos, that can be a sign.
4. Gmail: This is one I personally use. Alot of people aren't aware of it, but from Gmail I can call people, use SMS(text messages), email(duh), video chat, AIM, Chat, import other email from other ISP's, tweat (Buzz), Blog (Wave), watch movies, create your own webpage (Google Sites), and well...a ton of other stuff. Just like "Simpson did it"..."Google Does it". Many people don't block Gmail because their users say its needed to check their email. Just be aware of everything else it can do.