If your network is already set up, then don't use the CD. Just look on the desktop(your main screen with all the icons) on the PC you first set the router up on. Should be a file called "Network Security Settings". Open that and it should have your routers Network name(SSID),security settings, and passphrase. Then use those on your laptop to connect. On the bottom right corner of the laptop, there should be a Icon for your "Wireless Network Connection". If there isn't look for a button on your laptop that turns your wireless on and off. If its on, and still no wireless, check the drivers for your wireless card.(I will post how later). If there is a icon for your wireless network connection, right click on it, and left click on "View available Networks". Then click on your network, and click on connect in the bottom right. It will ask for your passphrase, which you can get from that document I discussed prior. If it doesn't connect, probably a compatibility issue, but still can be addressed.
Basically I need to know:
1. Can you bring up a list of network in your area on the laptop?
2. Do you see ANY networks?
3. If you see some networks, can you see yours?
4. When you try to connect, where does it fail?
5. If it connects, can you get online?