Hey all!
I've been experiencing some very odd problems concerning the DLG 4500 Router. I'm running it on 1.23NA. So I set up the router exactly as shown in FurryNutz's guide (for multiple xbox's) and everything worked swimmingly. However, about 4 days in the quality of the connection kept getting worse and worse. Right now my speed test results to SF (20 miles away) are:
Ping: 399
Download: .5 mbps
Upload: .35 mbps
I'm on my schools internet (plugged directly into the wall, no modem for us to access) and when the internet is good I usually get a ping of 14, a download speed of 50mbps and an upload of 30mbps.
I live in a dorm with 5 other guys, there are 2 xboxs on the wireless, one wired xbox, one wired computer, 3 wireless computers and a Wii. All of them get equally horrible connection after a certain number of days. Another odd thing I've noticed, but am having trouble wording, is that even a pc or xbox plugged directly into the wall in another room while the router is on and bad connection is present, gets an equally horrible connection as if it were plugged into the router(let me know if I need to rephrase this).
Turning off the router, waiting an hour or so and returning all the settings and plugging it back in fixes the problem but only temporarily. I've tried running the router on a simple, out of the box setting and still the problem comes back after a few days.
This may or may not help, but when I look at Wireless statistics under Status>Statistics I see:
Sent :496013
TX Packets Dropped :173
Received :283594
RX Packets Dropped :0
Errors :16429
Also, Status> Internet Session and Status>Wish Session are filled with a multitude of unrecognized IP addresses, though I could just be reading it wrong, still somewhat new to this networking stuff.
Any idea what could be causing this problem? Something even weirder just happened, the connection started to get better (ping 15, DL: 20 mbps UPL 4mbps) for no apparent reason, I'll update if it gets worse again. Is it possible that one of the computers has a virus eating up the connection or is the problem a setting on the router?