Well I can probably see where he is coming from. If he truely good, he probably using a router with third party firmware. And as far as performance goes (max connections, features, issues with firewall) that will blow away most any normal "buy from a store" router. The DGL has a little bit better hardware then most other router out there, but is that alone worth the money? Thats more a matter of opinion then fact. So yea, I can see where your friend is coming from.
You may be asking "Why is he insulting the router on its own forum". Ah ha, but I am not. I am saying 3rd party firmware kicks but, but that method is only truely for the advanced. If you think configuring the DGL is complicated, give dd-wrt a try. ::grin:: It will make your head explode. Where the DGL is great giving you some of the feature of the more complex stuff, without having to know all that much about it. Think of it like buying a PC. Anything you buy in the store is going to suck compared to what a expert can build with a quick shopping spree to Newegg. Not only will it be better, but probably cheaper too. But do you have any idea what parts to buy? How to build it? No, so your best bet is to buy from the store. But certian brands are better then others from the store. The DGL is like the best you can buy from the store. But even the best tool is only as good as you use it. So even though you don't HAVE to know how to use the DGL, the more you know and the better you can configure it, the better it will perform. And I think your friend would agree with this. Just wanted to throw in my two cents.