Well, OK, I'll take that challenge.
I set DNS-321's FTP to run on port 2121 which I forwarded on my router. The forwarding itself is not an issue as I can connect to the FTP externally just fine. However, be it passive or active mode I get an error when trying to list/get/put.
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,2,109,220)
Status: Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead.
Command: PORT 10,40,10,158,4,158
Response: 500 I won't open a connection to (only to
Either I open the DNS-321 on the router to DMZ or I setup a passive ports range. I am not going to open up DMZ just for an FTP server running on this thing.
How did you pull this off?