I am having difficulty in understanding the logic of users and groups and perhaps this will help...below is a directory tree on the DNS-323...next to each are comments of what I would like to accomplish for each folder in that tree:
-Volume_1 (I don't want people to see this as a share name so no one can read/write to the root)
|----- ShareA (this is company wide information, accessible to everyone)
|----- ShareB (say this is sensitive for accounting/payroll only, read accessible by only certain users)
|------ ShareC (user's personal shares, Read accessible by any user)
|--- UserA (R/W accessible by any user)
|--- UserB (R/W accessible by any users
|--FolderA (R/W accessible by any user)
|--FolderB (Read accessible by any user)
|--FolderC (Accessible only by one user, the owner of folder UserB)
I have accomplished some of this already.
Volume_1: Accomplished by removing the default rule
ShareA: Accomplished by giving ShareA access to ALL users with R/W capabilities
ShareB: Accomplished by creating a group, adding users to that group, then giving group R/W access to this folder. Problem is, it seems users can only be in ONE group at a time (which is bizarre and seems to minimize the whole reason of having groups, albeit having one is still better than none). Worse case, I can just assign individual users R/W access to this share as needed effectively freeing them up to be in a different group, just more entries to manage.
The next part is where the problems start..it seems the security of the parent directory is inherited into all sub directories and there is no "deny" functionality in the user interface. So, if I give users access to ShareC, then there is no way to do the security I want to achieve on FolderB and FolderC. If I create access to FolderB and FolderC, I cannot logically seem to find a way to allow access to ShareC
Is there a way I am just missing? Is there a back way into the device through telnet or something that I could use linux commands to set access control lists? Do I need to set up my heirarchy differently? Right now the users want their folders wide open to other users, but have one folder inside their folder that has private access only.