Dear All,
I am using DSN-3200-10 SAN, I want to configure LAG/802.3ad Dlink 3200-10 with Cisco 2960G switch and a HP server has two NIC (HP-NC7170 dual port LACP support). My current configuration is mention below.
Switch and Server Configuration:-
1- I have configured 8-port LACP in Cisco 2960G Switches in Vlan 1, 4-port for Dlink SAN 3200-10 and 4-port for HP Server which is connected with HP-NC7170 dual port NIC.
2- I have configured 2-NIC HP-NC7170 dual port with HP Teaming software in Camera recording Server.
3- My HP-NC7170 4-port is connected with 4-port Cisco 2960G switch and LACP has configured and working fine.
SAN configuration:-
1- I have configured two Volume 1st 8-TB which is connect to Camera Recording software and 2nd 3-TB is connect to files Server, it is working fine without LAG.
2- I have configured Dlink SAN 3200-10 4-port LAG with encapsulation 802.3ad but when I configured its 802.3ad I will lost my connectivity to switch I mean connection is establish but I can't able to ping my SAN IP or Network portal IP address which is and my Camera recording Server is connected with ISCSI using this IP. When I configured SAN LAG as a Ethernet-II it will Establish my connectivity then I will easy to access SAN 8-TB volume but I it is working as a failover not LACP/802.3ad and I can’t get 4 gigabit through put.
I would like to remind you that my Cisco 2960G and my server NIC (HP-NC7170) are configured proper and working well with LACP 802.3ad.
Please kindly suggest me how can I configure Dlink 3200-10 SAN and get 4 gigabit through put.