Thanks to both of you.
Yes, I can see the benefit of a USB adapter from a marketing point of view. It's true that most people are uneasy about opening the case (of a desktop) and installing cards. I'm actually quite comfortable with installing hardware, so that's not an issue for me.
On the other hand, this will be my first ever wireless setup, and I have no idea what to expect in the way of reception inside my home. One of the reasons I'm choosing D-Link gear is for the availability of external antennas, which I understand provide the best chance of good reception. I'm not really worried about throughput because all we do around here is share an internet connection. No VoIP, no video streaming, no online gaming. (Not yet, at least.)
The big thing holding me back from a desktop card is wondering whether the antennas will get in the way of other wires in the back of my computer. Maybe I need to actually see one of these things to get a sense of that.
Thanks again for your advice. I appreciate it.