ie. I want to set that one IP on the lan can use max 1Mbps
You can't control INCOMING bandwidth with the DIR-855. (Other competing routers can, but they ought not do it as they drop the packets after the congestion has already been caused -- it's terrible design.)
No. You can't control OUTGOING traffic to a specific speed.
ie. I want to set that one port can not use more than 25% of available WAN bandwitdh.
With QOS rules, a rule set to priority 224 applied to one LAN IP should keep its OUTGOING traffic from taking more than 25% of the pipe when traffic at priority 128 is sufficient to fill the pipe. However, if there is no higher-priority traffic, then the traffic at priority 224 will be able to fill the pipe. Use these numbers, even though they look weird, because if you choose to use QOS Auto-classification now or later, priority 128 is the baseline that it uses.