Hi all!!
This is my first message to the forum, so I first want to say thanks for all the valuable information found here :-)
And now, regarding my question, I'm not able to make traceroute work with my DFL, and I think it's related to the rules. My scenario is the following:
<internet> <-----> <DFL800> <-----> <VLAN>
Traffic to the outside is working as I've the NAT rule. Web browsing and ping to the outside works.
But when it comes to traceroute/tracert it does not work. I've the following:
- System->Advanced->IP Settings->TTL Min set to 0
- System->Advanced->IP Settings->TTL on Low set to Log
Then, as I've been testing lots of things, I've a new folder with ICMP rules a top of the rule-list with the following contents (vlanSala is the name of one of my vlan interfaces):
1 NAT vlanSala: wan1,wan2: "ping-outbound"
2 Allow vlanSala: core: "all_icmp"
But trace does not work and I can not realize what's wrong... I know is a common issue, but looking through the forums I didn't found the answer, so, thanks in advance!