Hardware version: A1
Firmware version: 1.01
Basically, I cannot connect to any game servers when I am connected through this router. I used my Android to tether into 3G internet and was able to connect without any issues so it's not OS-side at all. I've tried many settings arbitrarily one at a time, checking each time to no avail. Is there a particular setting that is screwing with this game? I've got the ports (27000-27100 TCP/UDP) forwarded and I've used a Port Checker tool to verify that they are open. Obviously it's something in the router that is blocking the connection..but what else is there to try?
Should I finally flash the 1.13NA firmware? I am very hesitant to do this, unless it's the last resort [and it feels like it might be], so I am awaiting your suggestions. Thank you very much.