Hey Guys,
I have a Big Problem!
I have a DFL-800 in Headquader Office and a DFL-160 in Remoteoffice!
IPSEC Tunnel is configured and i can reached all Servers and Clients on the Side of DFL-800!
But DNS-Requests for ActiveDirectory was not resolved by the SBS-Server on Side of DFL-800!
For that i need a solution so i can give the DFL-160 the DNS-Server IP from SBS-Server on Side of DFL-800.
I connected at CLI on DFL-160 and with set dnsclient i see tree entries of DNS-Server. The first and second have the DNS-IP from ISP-DNS Server. The third entry is empty!
But is no Feature to set the third entry over CLI Parameters!
Please help how can i set a third DNS-Server?
Thanks a lot
Michael Hofmann