So my download speed is fine with this router but when it comes to upload speed it just doesn't seem to go well. I have 50 down and 10 up but I end up getting 3 up. Can anyone help me? Much help appreciated. Oh and why is it that if I even go two rooms down, my signal drops by one bar?
Wireless signal is simular to celluar signal that its hard to say what causes the signal to go down. Three main causes are:
Passive: Walls, floors, glass, metal, anything in the environment between you and the source of the wireless signal. Also your laptop itself can act like a shield, since the antenna is buried inside between the battery and the heatsink, two very good insulators of Radio Frequency (RF).
Active: Cell phones, cordless phones, microwaves, DLP TV's, certain kinds of lights, other networks or other laptops. Anything that puts out RF energy can inter fer with the wireless.
Configuration: This has less to do with interference, and more to do with the way wireless itself works. These days there all kinds of automatic features routers and laptop use to try to constantly keep the connection working. Some of these can cause problem in themselves. Auto-scan, Auto mode, CTS, Short GI, automatic rate, etc.
As for your problem, first thing to test is your speed direct to the modem. Then go wire to the router, then wireless. What is your upload at those three points?