Edit: in short m dgl-4500 randomly reboots unde heavy load, is it done for?
Ok so I puchased this router years back I think when it just came out at comp usa for lie 200 bucks. it worked great no probs for about a year. This was with a wireless isp that was the only available isp in my rural area. The modem and antenna was in/on our detched garage. The router signal managed to reach my pc which id say was about 300 ft away atleast, going thru many walls. A I said it worked great. The firmware was up to date at the time, can't remember which revision but I knw it could not be dwngrded. Got a new job where traveled so I turned of the intrnet. THe router sat in the garage for about 1 to 2 years. That's in smer heat and illinois freezing temps.
Now I moved in with the gf in a house in a small town the other day. Ordered mediacom cable isp. 11M cap speed 1M up. The day the cable guy turned it on, I plugged in the same router an immediatly went to speedtest.net. results were roughly 11.3M .9M up thru wireless connection on the laptop. I further tested by downloaded a game thru steam. Then downloading missed tv shows thru bittorrent. Average speed was about 1 meg. Awsome I'm getting what I'm paying for. Till the next day...
Now my wireless range is suddenly shot for starters. still in range for normal use in the same room. , but noticed I can't go more than 1 room. Besides that my steam is now acting weird, keeps disconnecting randomly, yet I still have a wireles signal. Everythng else is randomly dcing now. So I assumed it was the modem. Reset the modem. That seemed to ix he d/c. Nope did I again 10 min later. I reset both the router and modem. Fied fr 20 minutes. I do a speedtest.net again. Now I'm at 1M dwn .1M up. What the heck. Now the speed tests keep lcking up. Now I see that the router is randomly rebooting. So I go here and dowload the latest firmware. Install that and try again. No fix. It is now rebooting every time I try to put a heavy load on it. I look at the logs and there are no errors.
Is it shot? I'm out of town for the week, but I thought id see if I should go ahead and order a nwrouter while I'm out so get it by the time I get home. Sorry for the random missing letters, typed this on my cell phone lol