Just got DNS 320(I am new to this).
Have reformatted the drives and set up Raid 1 but, I don't have original disk so dont know if all the applications have installed(e.g.Twonky not installed).
All I want to do is stream music, videos, pictures, books(PDF) and see what has set off my ip camera!!
I want to view all the files etc. on my mobile or, any other computer anywhere I am. UK or abroad.
Yep I want my own cloud service rather than use Skydrive, Dropbox etc.
Have set up static IP and FTP with port forwarding.
I can see the drive and files on my computer and through the "My FTP" app on my mobile.
But, when I try and download/stream or view books, all I get is rubbish(programme language?) except for images.
Here's the deal.
I have a Nokia 920 windows mobile 8 phone!!