Tx for the answer Furry.
Nevertheless, I upgrated yesterday from 2.04 EU to 2.05WW. (I didn't try the 205NA cause I still want to be sure that there will be no HW issues using this firmware)
This new firmware really rocks. Admin GUI response is quick.
And most important (but I didn't expect it), it gives me more power on the 5ghz n network (didn't try the 2.4GHz yet).
With the 2.04EU firmware I wasn't able to broadcast HD signals to my HomeVideo Set. The signal strenght was only 7% and the troughput was between 1 and 6 M. No way to watch a movie without masses of jerking, freezes, lost of sound,...
Without moving the router (same place than before I mean) now my signal strenght goes between 30% to 40%, and the troughput between 27M to 40M. I watched a full HD movie yesterday without any issue.
So, is it possible that the 2.05WW firmware uses the same broadcast power than the NA versions?
I need to make more tests during a longer period just to qualify that this gain of performance is constant or just a only due to some spacial esoteric chances ;-)