I Recently purchased the DAP1522 to use as an entertainment bridge for my xbox 360, BR player and dish network reciever I also upgraded my router a WRT5GS running tomato to a Linksys E4200 going from G to N while i had my Xbox and BR connected wirelessly I didn't have the Dish receiver hooked up so i thought by using the DAP i would be upgrading my network and connecting my Dish receiver no brainer right and everything works so far
But here's the question with all the hype of the benefits of the 5ghz channel , well it's not hype it certainly makes sense but from what I see the products have to be compatible shouldn't what I'm connecting be compatible they say your gaming console specifically and streaming movies i would think
so what i'm asking is does anybody have any confiquration tips I read somewhere that with an E3200 router they had to set the 5ghz channel to like 37 for the DAP to see that channel its all getting a litlle overwhelming here's whats in the house A Mac Power PC pre Intel using a Asus NB13 USB 2.4ghz its the only thing i could find with speeds over 100Mbps A windows 7 machine hardwired gig connection another windows 7 pc downstairs hardwired a netbook with a wireless connection and lastly a DECT 6.0 phone system who knows what interference these produce
So if anybody can please share some thoughts or have some good advise I'd appreciate it