Ok, second major issue with a DLink router... first one had to get rid of because just wouldn't work with a 3CX server, anyway, I have a DIR-655 A4 factory shipped with 1.32NA I am trying to update the firmware to 1.34NA but it will not let me. It keeps saying UPLOAD FAILED
The uploaded firmware file may not be correct. You may have uploaded a file that is not intended for this device, or the uploaded file may be corrupted.
If the uploaded file is correct, it is possible that the device may be too busy to properly receive it right now. In this case, please try the upload again. It is also possible that you are logged in as a 'user' instead of an 'admin' - only administrators can upload new firmware.
The Gateway will not be reprogrammed.
I am logged in as Admin, I am in port 1 on the lan, no other cables plugged in including modem, tried a soft reset, holding the reset button, and a 30/30/30 reset.. all still give same error on all firmware for 1.31NA to 1.35.. I'm just about ready to chuck this router out the window... what is wrong with it?