I have a DIR-130. I want to use Wake-On_LAN (WOL) to wake up my home computer(s) via the internet.
My previous configuration was a DI-808HV and this worked just fine. I would use a "magic packet" utility to send a wake up packet that contained the MAC address for the desired network card to my home IP address on a specific port (i.e. "www.mydomain.com:myport" ). The 808HV was configured to forward that port # to a broadcast, such as Because the forwarding address ended in 255, the router broadcast to the entire network and the network card that recognizes it's MAC would then turn the machine on. whew!
Anyway, with the DIR-130, it will not allow a "255" in the forwarding address - it requires a number between 1 and 254 in the last octet.
Is there a way to broadcast thru the DIR-130 ??
Any Ideas?