Thanks for the link. Looks like I'll have to fix it myself with funplug.
None of the obstacles or limitations expressed here or on the other 323 forum are valid. Set cron to run every 15 minutes using whatismyip. That would take care of an instance when your IP actually changed and wouldn't query the dyndns server unless it actually changed.
How to go about keeping your account from expiring is a little more tricky but offhand I could set a cronjob to run every 25th day to force an update regardless of whether or not your IP has changed. That wouldn't work if you lost power tho. The 25 day cycle would be reset (I think).... I'll figure something out, I'm sure.
This isn't rocket science so I'm assuming the lack of action from dlink is just incompetence rather than a lack of desire to address the issue. I could excuse "incompetence" but to blatantly leave it broken like this for so long out of sheer uninterest for their paying customers is inexcusable IMO...
BTW, my router doesn't have this functionality and I'm opposed to using a software client on my PC. This is THE main reason I bought the 323. It had an FTP server and dyndns updating capability.... Anything other than a fix 323 side isn't acceptable to me.