I reinstalled the firmware (latest), re-input all of my settings manually, than I erased all of my music and put it back again. Took me more than the week end.
The dns-321 was working hard, and it was showing up on itunes. I monitored it closely and it went ok.
Well, until I had to reboot my desktop (dns was still at work indexing), and when I started itunes again, the server did not showed up anynore (but the dns was still working on the drive).
I leaft it. It finishes (i guess, as there was no more activity). But still no luck.
Now, I have the same issues all over again from my first entry.
Worse then before, as the dns can be accessed through the mounted drive, but not after a bit from the search utility.
Any fix ?
Any idea how much the dns can handle as far as data ?