This is a weird situation, but here it is: I have an iphone 4s with a social game app installed. I registered a new account in the app, and I've been using it for a week or so. I just updated the app, and it sort of half logged me out. I still receive game and message notifications, so I know the app is authenticating me enough to communicate with the iphone's notification center. However, when I open the app, it prompts me to log in. The problem is, I don't remember what e-mail address I used to register, so I can't log in!! I'm sure I know my password, but I don't know the username/e-mail address. (Stupid, I know.)
I've contacted the app vendor for help, but I'm not expecting much assistance. It occurs to me, though, that maybe that username/e-mail address is still being transmitted on my wifi network as those notifications come in. Is there any way I can capture that from the DIR-655 logs? Or capture it via a wifi sniffer somehow?
Thanks in advance!