Anyone know if it's possible to get SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) report from the drives that are inside the NAS?
I have those dreaded seagate 1.5T drives which are working great for me. Some say I may not know I have an issue since sectors that are bad may be reallocated or reassign. This may slow down your tranfer, but you may not know the difference.
I noticed lately my popcorn hour (media player) is having a difficult time playing videos that were once playable. The issue maybe due to the fact that I have a bad or noisy connection on my power line adapter (happens before then clears up).. I wanted to check the smart data on my drives to see if there have been any reallocated or reassign sectors which could explain the issues I'm having with my media player or that my drive may be at a higher probability of failing.