Packet Tracer is really your IPV6 expert, not me.
In the future you may want to P/M us both for a quick response, but he will catch what is wrong 99% of the time, me, not so often. Or if I am not 100% sure I can P/M him.
As the name Packet Tracer implies, I can verify he has commercial experience/trade experience with IPV6, me, not yet, I'm just a shade tree dabbler and Packet Tracer helped me offline un-kink some IPV6 problems here at home that I fought with for a week. He looked at the problem said do this, I did and it worked in 60 seconds(the time it takes to re-boot, no need for 2nd and 3rd tries). I have posted the IPV6 firewall setup that he helped me with, just need to sit down and document it when it if not 105F! Yes I have AC and can have $600 electric bills too, instead of this nice shiny new 27" monitor that came Friday!
I have a bunch of questions here, but I know he is busy. I guess there are no 192.168.X.X type addresses used because everything is public with IPV6, so if a ISP gives you a static IP, me thinks they should give you a block of addresses because IPV6 has no NAT. One address will only work for one device, with 6RD you pull from your ISP's address block automatically, with static not so. The first time I ran a IPV6 firewall test and my machines address came back instead of the routers (and I had open ports to the outside world), I nearly soiled myself! All of my banking info/personal info is on this machine!
Thanks PT! Enjoy a beautiful Sunday afternoon!