"Before you even try this, please be :!: WARNED :!: that using telnet to your DNS-323 you can very easily brick your unit. "
What I believe what that means is this... if you use fun_plug to enable a telnet Command
Line Interface (CLI) to your DNS-323; you need to take responsibility for
the commands you type into the CLI. Typing the wrong command could cause
bad things to happen; especially, if you try to write to the DNS-323's NVRAM.
There is nothing really risky about fun_plug, it's just a technique to enable execution
of user provided code. However, as with many thing in life, "
With great power,
comes great responsibility" It is up to the user (hacker) to understand what the
user provided code is going to do.
One of the absolutely
brilliant design of the DNS-323, is all the system files
are stored in NVRAM and copied to the hard disk on boot up. (this is why you can update
the firmware without a drive installed in the DNS-323) So, if something gets screwed up on
the hard disk, you can reboot (reset) to a known working system, as long as, you haven't
tried to change the files in the NVRAM.