Hi. Thanks for reply.
Hardware - A1
Firmware - 1.01 upgraded to 1.02, after upgrade Factory reset, and still same issue.
Region: Poland
All hardware like Samsung TV, LG Blue-Ray and Onkyo Reciever connected wired. I have even tested all UTP wires on Wavetek 8155 LAN cable certifier, and all ISO test where ok.
QoS - disabled
Reciever - IP set manualy and dont match in dhcp pool. All other use DHCP.
WAN - tried set to auto or 100 Mbps - i dont have any modem. I'm connected to ISP network directly by UTP Cable.
Advanced DNS - no that option.
DNS Relay - enabled.
uPnP and Multicast streaming - tried all possible options, now set to enabled.
EEE - tried enabled and disabled, now set to disabled.
Port Forwarding - i dont use these rules, all are disabled.
Advanced/Firewall - tried all, now set to Endpoint Protection
If you want, i can connect reviever through some other hardware like managment switch and post graphs showing throughput in time on ports when it happens.