Let me start out by saying that I have been in IT for many years now.
The issues I have with this piece of equipment have nothing to do with user error.
I have spent the better part of 6 months trying to make this thing work the way it should but it would appear (based on my experience and others) that this is just nearly useless and D-Link has no interest in trying to fix it.
I, like so many other, am trying to make it work as a repeater to try and extend the wireless signal throughout my home. The issue is that after powering up, it will work for a few minutes, exactly as it should, but then ceases to work until it it unplugged, left for a while and then plugged back in. It will then work for a few minutes and stop again. What happens when it stops working is that devices can connect to the DAP-1360, the wireless signal is strong, but devices are not given an IP address and so obviously do not work properly on the network. As soon as I unplug the DAP-1360, when it is not working, devices within range of the main router will connect to it and get an IP right away. The IPs are leased from my main wireless router (Trendnet). The DAP-1360 is within line of sight of the main router, maybe 40-50 feet away.
The DAP-1360 is being used with a variety of equipment that are G and N. All devices exhibit the same problem with the DAP-1360. There are almost no other wireless networks within range of our house and what are, have very low signal. We do have wireless phones but they are all DECT 6 (at 1.9 MHz).
I have tried every possible combination of settings (channels, 20/40, security, etc) and nothing changes the fact that after a few minutes the DAP-1360 stops working properly.
I have been using the stock 2.11 firmware until I read about 2.13 that was available from the Russian D-Link site. That too made no difference.
I am not sure if this is a heat related issue or not (as the unit does get quite warm).
Has anyone that has had this problem been able to resolve it???
Do I just throw this thing away and never buy/recommend another D-Link product again?