Hi folks,
I was just surfing a bit and saw that people using DynDNS behind FIOS Actiontec modem/routers are no longer being updated when their IP changes. Apparently DynDNS had to make an adjustment due to the Heartbleed security issue and basically this killed the service on Actiontec modem/routers. You may not notice this until your IP changes which can sometimes be a long time but if you have dynamic IP addresses, this will happen. This I believe will impact Dlink's ddns service because DynDNS is the actual provider for Dlink. Anyway, if suddenly you can't reach your cameras or NAS, or whatever, this is probably the cause. The work around is to install the client software from DynDNS on which ever computer you use the most. There is software for Windows, Mac's, and Linux. http://dyn.com/support/clients/