Well I must say, that I do understand the frustration to a point however, to completely put the 827 down and at fault since it hasn't been fully proven to be either a D-Link or MS issue, is a bit premature. And to hold it against the 827 for this only reason when there are other alternatives to using WiFi for gaming with this router seems a bit unfounded. I have this router and this being the only minor issue between D-Link wifi and MS xbox slims WiFi adapter not connecting at speeds, this router is very stable and rock solid and works well. I'm very happy to have it and would recommend it to anyone.
Until D-Link and or MS addresses the wifi issue which I do agree, there hasn't been any forth coming information as of yet, there are other means to gaming with this router and the xbox slim, either by wired LAN or by connecting a different wireless adapter to the xbox slim such as I have done with my roommates xbox. While even though he sometimes is annoyed with my various tests and different uses of adapters for testing purposes, I do ensure that when it comes time for gaming, his gaming connection is stable and at speed of the wifi on the supporting routers I with with. I've connected a DIR-865L, 2 non-D-Link APs in bridge mode for testing these modes with various routers I test with including the 827. All work well as an alternative to the built in Wifi adapter on the slim. I just acquired a DAP-1533 and have been testing it out on my 1st gen 360 and works well for a xbox with out WiFi.
I'd rather use something with a better and faster WiFi connection for gaming than what the slims WiFi can do only at 65Mb. Why to use a connection 300Mb or faster for gaming. The MS WiFi adapter seems limiting in that regard.
I have taken notice of the original posting and just the other day I had sent a follow up email to D-Link asking for any information on this. I'm still waiting to see if there will be any information. Again, this issue is between D-Link and MS. It has also been seen on Net Gear routers as well so this is not an isolated to D-Link alone. Yes I have seen issue with the slims WiFi and a few newer generation routers and I do need to follow up to see if the DIR-868L/826L is doing the same thing. I can only presume that the issue could still be seen as my last test was on a DIR-865L which exhibited this issue. I'll try to test this this week.
We understand the frustrations and the wanting of it to just work like it does on the 655. However the 827 is a good working router regardless of this minor issue.
I'll close this thread since it's already related to the one started here by you:
http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=50107If your not willing to try other alternatives with this router or be patient for D-Link to review, investigate and find out where the problem is, then you'll need to of course, find a better solution in a router that works for you. Again, this doesn't mean that this router is a bad router. This is an isolated problem.
Good Luck.