This Forum Beta is ONLY for registered owners of D-Link products in the USA for which we have created boards at this time.
EU Version (Uk) is dated as 11 May 2015. US Version is Dated 30 March 2015. They both have the same revision version, however does anyone know if there any differences between the UK version and US versions? I have tried downloading the update from the UK (read European) FTP server link from the website, but unfortunately, it does not seem to be working at moment and keeps returning error messages.Many thanks.
Hello,I have a question: is this 1.04b012 suitable for revision A3?Thank you.
have a I have a NAS dlink DNS 320L but i can not do it synchronizing with the driver google give the following error "Last Update Time 06/05/2015 16:21 Fail" hedge someone how to solve this ??
Hi,after installing 1.04b12 from [1] my 320l does not boot up anymore, just the blinking blue status LED for hours. I did everything suggested in this [2] thread plus Unplugging from network and removing the HDDs. Is there anything else I can do? I bought the NAS in April 2013 so I think guarantee is expired unfortunately.[1][2]