I have Dir-605 H/W rev A1, FW v1.12 (as the device was shipped with), ISP is cable.
Created simpliest network for home use to connect home pc over wlan, but have noticed that wi-fi signal strenth is very poor, although there is no big distance - maybe 8 meters between router and pc - and there is no solid wall between, just bend from one room to another (so 3m from the bend point, and then other 5 meters to the PC).
PC application shows signal quality at the wlan card is about 30-40%, and problem is that there are lots of tx error packets, and connection is being restarted all the time (from 10 to 15 minutes) - so it is not stable at all.
I measured wi-fi signal quality with my android pc and app like wi-fi analyzer, and found that channel 1 which is used by default is ok, and that chanell 13 was least occupied, but swithcing to that channel didn't made any imrpvements upon signal .. anyway in the recepient point signal level is about -75dBm, and it is -40dBm just next to router .. so that confirms that signal quality situation.
in Router's 'advance wirelles settings' everything is as is by default :transmit power is 100% and so on, as the default values are (I am not sure which value is for what so didnt tried to change those)
so, I can't believe that there is such significant signal drop on such short distance, and is there some solution than to replace router?