If auto bandwidth estimation is off and SB is on, I get the correct speeds and vise versa. It seems they both can't be on at the same time. As for the media server is doesn't show up on any of my 3 laptops, playstation 3 or the xbox 360. The DIR-857 always showed up on all systems before. Understand I appreciate you trying to help trouble shoot but I know this router is not working as it should. The DIR-857 was excellent and I know Dlink puts out quality stuff but this router is a bit buggy. If SB and auto bandwidth is on the router has internal server errors and drastically cuts my bandwidth down. With auto bandwidth estimation off and SB on I get my speeds, no internal server errors and all devices connect. As for the media server it doesn't show on any devices that can access a media server. Now I have no problem mapping my network drive but nothing shows up on my playstation 3 or xbox 360 as a media server being present.