i have installed the Router Dlink DIR-600 on a School.
we let the students connect the Cellphones and tablets on the Router but we only left 50 IPS.
When start the first break, many connect the cellphones on the ROUTER, but when finish the break, and left the "Wifi Zone" the IPS still be in the "cache" on the ROUTER.
when others Studends try to connect any device they CANT because the list is full.
I connect my computer on the network with a manual IP and try to PING any IP but i have no response.
i loggin in the ROUTER and reset him, so i have new's ip.
can u help? what i have wrong?
This is the Data in the Router:
Version: DIR-600 C1
Firmware: 3.05
Public IP:
Router IP:
Statics Ip:
Wireless IP:
Wireless SETUP:
Mode: 802,11 mix (n / g / b) 20/40MHz
Channel: 11
TypePassword: WPA/WPA2-PSK
Potential: High
(i dont know how write this in English, but some like this)
InvervalKeepConnectShort: (Disable)
(i switch this from Enable to disable trying dont keep losses connections, but dont change nothing)
Now maybe i make a small BATCH who reset the router, but i hope make this temporal and resolve this mistake.
Thanks and forgive me my bad english.