Hello forum
I have a DLink DNS 320 NAS-System with FW: 2.03.
On the beginning for days ago until today everything was ok.
The NAS is directly connected to the Telecom-Router.
On this router my PC directly is connected and two laptops via WLAN.
I created one folder and connected them over "add networkdrive" on "my computer".
Everything OK.
After that i connected both WLAN-Laptops, too.
I configured on NAS a static IP:
Rest is just factory default.
Now after a few days on working great, the connection from all laptops and pc to the NAS is not constant anymore.
On each computer the same:
It is connected, I start a film oder something. BOOM the connecting interrupts.
After a few seconds (10-30 Sec) the connections is connected again and works for a while ( a few minutes).
Can everybode tell me, whats the problem?
It is very urgent.
Thank you all in advance.
Kind regards