Is there any documentation on how to use these new addons?
Some of the stuff I've figured out on my own - such as the firefly username and password - both mt-daapd
But some of the stuff I don't understand. Why does bonjour get me? Does no-ip DDNS just add that option to login to their service?
Also, I think I'm having troubles with the bittorrent client - when I go to settings it says:
Please wait... Downloading settings.
but no amount of waiting will result in settings.
The settings is fixed just by using a different browser. Neither firefox nor chrome worked for me, but IE did. I suppose that will do. However, I'm having troubles sending the torrents and downloads to Volume_2. I set the setting, but it doesnt change anything.
I noticed a Volume_1/Nas_prog/BT/btsettings file that contains the directories for incomplete, complete and torrents. They all point to HD_a2 which i understand is Volume_1. Says the file is in use if I try to rewrite it. Even if the service is disabled.