I entered the external IP address to my network as assigned by my ISP and was absolutely floored to find that not only was the router login screen visible from the internet, it has the model and firmware version number clearly displayed.
A gaping mile-wide security hole.
Also, there seemed to be no documentation regarding how to disable/ turn off/ kill the wan (internet) login.
I got this router last year, a DIR-651. D-link considers this "end of life", which is odd.
How might I go about turning off WAN admin login?
This security flaw is going to be the ruin of me, and everyone who has a router.
When I comment on Wikipedia, people can LITERALLY get right to my router with just one click on the convenient IP hyperlink. A child could crack through the router like it was nothing this way, the vulnerabilities for any model are cataloged over time for easy exploitation. The internet must be prevented from even seeing that it's a router.
Look, they even published my IP, here... it's open season!
~wondering why