I am using 932L with window7 64bit ie9 32bit thro dlinkddns or Mydlink and working fine before update the firmware but Few days ago update to v107,and Java7 update51,and now i got No Sound when I am watching my 932l thro ddns! That is my problem below"
1. Watch my cam thro ddns with ie9 Java mode = NO SOUND
2.ie9 thro ddns ActiveX mode = With Sound but Very Noisy
3.ie9 thro mydlink = With Sound but Very Noisy
4. Google Chrome thro ddns or My dlink = NO SOUND
I have try to update my Sound Driver to the laster version and reinstall Java but still not work for me
p.s I just testing it with my friend's PC(with ie9 Jave7 u51 ) and it's working good and have SOUND on his PC
Please help! Thanks!