Network dive disconnected message on Vista x64 after transfer lot of ~1GB files.
I move my movie collection to DNS-321 unit from my portable hard drive. It is about 1TB. After some period of time I got a message that network drive is not available anymore. I went to Explorer. Drive is here. I can see files, can play movies. But, cannot manage to continue copy my files, because one of the files is not transferred to DNS-321 completely and locked by the DNS-321, it usually transferred to 75-80%(775-830mb) from 1GB and locked. Locked it mean you cannot move, delete or open this file until you reboot DNS-321. Firmware version does not matter 1.01 do the same that 1.03b6 do or 1.02b5 do. I do not know did problem is coming after I switch my network to 1GB link speed with 9k frames or It being here from the beginning. Please if somebody has time to do the test transfer to confirm or isolate problem do this and post result here. One more time, you must transfer at least 500GB of files with average size 1GB(DVD-VOB file) to see what is going on.