Hello everyone!
I'm new around here and with D-link too, so forgive me if I´m asking for something stupid or at the wrong topic.
I live in Brazil and we're about to have a baby boy. It's coming soon (next month).
It happens that D-link does not offer this camera (DCS-825) here in Brazil.
I was wondering, and I´ve already questined D-link without success, if I can use this android Software, MyDLink Baby Monitoring, but connecting another camera on it.
For example: here I can easily buy a DCS-932L model. I know that it doesn't has the temperature, music, bi-directional audio and some other stuff.. but talking about MOVEMENT and AUDIO detection, can I use this camera with this Baby Monitoring software?
The mydlink baby monitoring mobile app is specific to the DCS-825L. The DCS-932L is fully compatible with the general mydlink service which accessible view the mydlink mobile app and mydlink website.