Letter to send to Gawker Press-- owners of Gizmodo and the Consumerist.
Has already responded to this letter once saying she would look into it. Let's hope she and the writers from Gizmodo are compelled to do a follow-up story.
Please help us by telling this story.
For a year now D-links flagship gaming router, the DGL-4500, has been plagued with defective firmware that makes it slow with the average up-time of only 3 to 4 days. When the router dies it is unresponsive to any connections, and a reboot is required. Sometimes multiple reboots are nessesary along with any devices connected to it before it comes back online.
To make matters worse D-link has restricted its firmware to not allow downgrading so customers are stuck. This issue started back with the 1.12 release to add sharepoint services to the USB connection enabling the router to share a printer or a external USB HDD.
Because this firmware is over a year old, some routers are being shipped with the defective firmware already loaded 1.12. or 1.15 instead of the only "working" firmware, 1.02, it was originally shipping with, leaving these customers absolutly no options.
Last Friday, D-link released a beta firmware (the 8th one) 1.21 to address these issue but as one poster on the forum (Cindy Brady) put it, "1.21 is like my cousin Oliver, created to boost rating, but killed the show!"
http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?board=144.0 DGL-Forum
http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=5580.0 Up-time issues
http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=5947.0 Beta 1.21
Boing Boing Gadgets has posted this story http://gadgets.boingboing.net/2009/06/12/hey-d-link-youve-got.html
Gizmodo has posted multiple articles on this router, all about how great it is ("Hands on with the DGL-4500"), and now with the price point down from $250 to as low as $130 it will be much more attractive to potincial buyers. Buyers, who will read your posts about how great it is, buyers who most likely get the router shipped with the defective firmware unable to downgrade, buyers who will be confussed as to why no one has reported this issue.
Please do a follow up, please help get some much needed attension on this issue, help potencial consumers from purchasing a nightmare.
Thank You.